Friday, July 21, 2006

Time to be honest with myself

Well, last night I went looking at blogs. Weight loss blogs. So I actually found someone who had finished their weight loss. This is a rare find since only about 3% percent of people actually get to lose weight and keep it off. The woman has lost 29.5kg, about 27% of her body weight. How's that for motivation? You can read about Skinny Latte Girl here. I've decided to read the 9 months of writing that she's done as motivation.

Speaking of motivation, mine sucks. It's time to be honest with myself, having treats so often (nearly every day sometimes) is no way to lose weight. So it's time to be more motivated. Unfortunately, with depression, it's easier to put things off than deal with them as needed.

So my goal for today: listen to my Paul McKenna audio, breakfast, 3 units of protein, no treats. That's just for today, I'm not thinking about anything else.

Will post tomorrow saying how I went.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Haven't really started yet

Ok, so I'm back a week later, I have yet to get into the losing weight thing again. I have sort of teamed up with my girlfriend's sister, who needs to lose weight to fit into a bridesmaid dress later on in the year. But this woman can be a bit unreliable, so who knows whether she will still want to lose weight with me? Anyway, I'm waiting for her to go to Weight Watchers, so I'll start then.

The last week I haven't been totally reliable in terms of weighing myself, but here are some that I've recorded:

Friday 81.1

Tuesday 80.45

Wednesday 80.00

Thursday 81.5

That's a general downward track, although in reality it may just been the variability of scales being shown.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I'm back

Well, I'm feeling that I'm ready to lose weight again. A few reasons, first for health, self-image, that sort of thing. Secondly, because if I don't lose the weight, I'm not getting married. Seriously. My girlfriend of 2 years, Becky has never seen me thin. Ok, she's seen me 7kg off my goal weight, but never at the weight that I want to be, except on an old video and in photos.

So the question is, is she going to be attracted to me at 66kg? I hope so, but I want to be sure before I propose. I'm not 100% sure that she will be, so I have to make sure first. That means get down to the weight that I want to be and hopefully stick to it.

So, as I've told her, I'm starting losing weight. A few comments about the last 2 months. Well, about 9 weeks ago I got burgled. They took lots of things, including my laptop, which I have now got a replacement for (finally!). Because I stay over at my girlfriends place regularly, not having a laptop was a pain. It just made things more difficult to get motivated. You know the story.

Anyway, I intend to write daily about my progress and post weekly.

Sunday 81.10kg
Finished off the last of the fancy biscuits and sweets that I'd bought yesterday. Yes, I know that I should have thrown them out, but I am a bikiholic. Seriously. Becky and I went to see a film, had ice cream and popcorn. Didn't expect to lose any weight today.

Monday 81.15
Ate a lot of fruit, which was good, but then got depressed (did I tell you I suffer from depression?) and had both McDonalds and a medium sized pizza. Felt a bit better afterwards, didn't feel guilty.

Tuesday 82.1
Was generally good today, although I decided to treat myself to an afternoon tea to celebrate the start that I'm starting at university again. Fruit later on in the day.

Wednesday 80.85
Too early in the day to write about what I've eaten, but I went looking at blogs. Felt sad. The three that I had been following for a while now haven't lost any or have put on weight.

They are:
Opening my eyes to weight loss
This guy has been trying to lose weight for about 18 months now, with not much success. But he's still trying.

Renee gets fit
I've been following Renee for ages now, but she doesn't seem to lose weight or if she does, it's very slowly. She also has a tendancy to put on weight.

Half the man
Imagine a freight train climbing up a steep, large mountain. Wouldn't you be impressed? There's no stopping it. Then it stops, just before losing 100 pounds. This is the one I feel most sad about.

Are we all destined to be in this struggle for the rest of our lives?

So my daily goals are:
eat breakfast
2 or 3 units of protein
listen to my audio programme by Paul McKenna.