Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Still having trouble with motivation

Even though said on Sunday that I was ready to start again, nothing seems to be happening! Motivation is still a problem for me at the moment. I think how it would be good to do this and that, but the actual progress in that department is lacking. So what to do about it?

Although my $10 per kg plan towards a camera is a good one, where there is a lack of motivation, a better one is just $2 per day towards the camera. In reality, it ends up being the same, but dropping $2 into my container each day is a lot more motivating than dropping $10 or $15 each week, or at least for the moment.

So here is my new plan. Yes, the old plan didn't last very long! Each day, I weigh myself and I know what my weight is quite accurately due to various methods. I ask myself a question: am I 700g or more lighter than 7 days ago? If the answer is yes, $2 goes into my container. If not, $2 goes into my pocket, to be dropped somewhere on the pavement or left on a seat or table somewhere public. Since I don't know what I weighed a week ago, I shall assume that I'm losing weight and place $2 each day for the first week. I will also try to take one photograph with my current camera each day. That my motivate me more to lose weight.

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