Thursday, April 12, 2007

Highest weight ever

I delayed posting this (my highest weight was on the 3rd April) but on that date I was my highest weight ever in my life. This was obviously quite disappointing for me, when I started this blog I thought that yeah, it was going to help me lose weight and it would only take one 'go' at it if you know what I mean. How I was wrong!

So I peaked at just over 84kg, 18kg above my goal weight. That's a lot to lose, especially for me. Will I do it? No doubt. I am sure that the camera is still a good idea, the problem is that I am really short of money for it which has caused the recent weight gain.

Anyway, I've been losing since, I have lost 1kg which is pretty good, although it may just be my body emptying out food that I consume, due to me eating less. I'll find out soon.

So my theory was: no money for camera - no weight saved, lost interest in weighing myself therefore weight gain. Sorry but true.

I'll keep this short. I just feel awful about the whole thing, and for this reason I have disabled posting of comments, just for this post. I just can't bear any, positive, negative, neutral.

Weight: 83.0kg, lowest weight in 22 days

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