Thursday, April 19, 2007

An invitation to chat

Recently I got broadband, and have since rediscovered chat, something I did in the past but stopped because it used the phone line for long periods. Now that isn't a problem anymore, I decided that it would be nice to chat with fellow weight loss people, so for those who are interested and have msn please send me a message at please remove the numbers to get my correct address.


40 Something said...

thanks for your recent comment, spider63 has sort of been on a rant for awhile, i made a draft post to address him, but decided its best to just ignore him at this point

Anonymous said...

I don't have MSN, but I wanted to thank you for your comment and for your invitation to be on your Wall of Fame. :) I hope to be your first entry, though I'm not sure this will be a good week for me.

I am glad we weigh in pounds here, because it takes so much longer to lose a K. But I guess it takes a lot longer to gain one too...