Sunday, February 11, 2007

1 kilogram less, 15 to go

I have managed to lose my first recent kilogram. No, that's not a great achivement (I am, after all up where I've been greater than the blog starting weight, as well as post Christmas weight) but each kilogram that I lose is one small step towards success. The whole getting a camera thing seems to be a good idea - or put it this way: I can't think of a better one.

Kilogram 15 was put on between the 14th and 20th January, rather a short time I think, I was probably indulging too much on treats and just not getting into the whole dieting thing.

Yet again, I have modified my whole putting money away for the camera, due to a change in the way I calculate weights. Up to 299g weight loss per week, I throw away $2. 300-599g a week I throw away $1 and $1 goes towards the camera, above 600g $2 goes towards the camera. This starts on Wednesday, since there is a small plateau from last week I want to get rid of first. I may change the period that I look at from 7 days to 6, I'm not sure on that, I'll give this system a few weeks and then look at it again.

Currently I have $38 towards the camera, about 10% of its price in New Zealand. I've thrown away nothing (so far). Also, I've been thinking about the whole what happens after I've lost the weight. What do I do to keep motivated? I told my girlfriend (who has been watching me diet for the last 3 years, with no real achivements) that I'd pay her $20 for every kg that I put on. I'm fine with that, but what about for me? Current idea is to put $1 away for each day that I'm within 1kg of 66kg, to be put towards a new digital SLR-type camera, probably getting one after about 2-3 years. That's likely to change of course, knowing me.


WeightWatchnWoman said...

I think the camera idea is a great way to motivate yourself. Congrats on losing the kilogram.

Lily T said...

Awarding yourself for every achievement is always a good idea. Keep up the good work!

KatieP said...

After constantly battling with the last 5 kilos that just won't move [how about 1 kg in six weeks without cheating!] I have decided to celebrate ZERO WEIGHT GAIN instead of losses.
Although this is just a mind game, it takes the pressure off to see a loss every week [or day in your case] which might be causing that evil stress hormone cortisol to prevent me from losing.
It's all just a big experiment really. Good luck with your journey ... there is no destination.
K xxx

Cory said...

Congrats on the loss! I think the camera is a wonderful way of motivating yourself to lose the weight. And you can always keep putting money back after you've lost it all so you are always saving for when you want something else!

~~Midnight Raider~~ said...

Congrats on the loss! Every bit counts!