Sunday, November 05, 2006

11 days without sugar, fried food or bread

First, apologies to those few who read this blog. Owing to various faults, some mine, some not, I have had no internet access for the last week. So I have done very well at losing weight, I've lost about 2kg in the last 11 days by not having any sugar, fried food or bread. Also I had some sort of stomach bug that emptied my system and then suppressed my appetite, that helped as well. Anyway, the weight loss is going exceptionally well. I've had to try to eat more because I'm losing more than my maximum desired loss of 150g/day. It's all going swimmingly as they say. Estimated date (yes, this isn't that wise at this point) is 7th Feb next year.

The whey powder has helped a lot. Before I got the bug I was having 4 units a day (about 80g protein) which can be expensive, but I've been on this diet trip for so long, who cares anymore? There is so much more to lose though, about 15kg so it'll be a while yet. Also, my brother seems motivated about his weight loss, well sort of, he paid me $50 because he put on more weight than expected after his overseas trip.

Todays weight: 80.6kg, lowest weight in about 64 days.

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