Friday, January 13, 2006

Doing well

Yesterday I was really good in terms of eating. I had my whey as planned, it's not bad tasting (well it's flavoured, which helps) and it's a lot easier to eat than either sardines or salmon. However, vegetable protein doesn't have all the amino acids that animal protein has, so I will try to have one meat unit (about 20g) of protein per day. It's been a while since I have been this well controlled. However, I was hungry for a lot of the day, and had a headache as well. I don't have headaches very often, so something is up.

Today I weighed myself, and it's noticeable that my weight has changed. That's more likely to be the fact that the two coffee and slices have exited my body rather than any other effect. I would have probably lost 100g which is way less than the error in the scales or the fluctuation in my body weight. Because of this, I have a simple system to remove fluctuations - I enter the weight into my spreadsheet which averages the last 6 days. Plus it graphs it all as well. It's really simple once it's set up, and because my computer is on all the time (processing seti at home units) I just click on the taskbar and enter the details. Anyway, the average has stopped increasing and will hopefully move downwards from now on.

Attached is a photo that I took about a week ago. Comparing this taken with the one in March last year, when I was 7kg heavier, you wouldn't notice much difference. Hopefully the changes will become apparent as time goes on.

I'll leave it there. Ideally, I'll be at 66kg in about 109 days (early May 2006) which isn't too bad. However, the question is will it happen? Or will I put on the kilos like I've done in the past?

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