Thursday, March 08, 2007

New diet

Yesterday I found out about a new diet, the Shangri-lah diet. The idea is roughly that you trick your brain into thinking that you live in a place with abundant food, by having food with high energy and low taste. This is meant to suppress your appetite. Yes, it does work for some people (and doesn't work for others, of course). The thing about it is that it is simple - I only have to take some olive oil at a specific time of the day.

I've decided to make a commitment to try it for 2 months and see what happens. Yes, I'll carry on with the no sugar, flour, fried food since that is going well.

Finances are as follows:

Wednesday $1 daily save bringing $154 in total so far.

Weight 80.4kg, lowest weight in about 50 days.


~~Midnight Raider~~ said...

I've never heard of this diet... hope it works for you!

Michelle @ The 2007 Challenge said...

I've heard about taking olive oil - I'm thinking about taking coconut oil, myself. My Naturopathic Doctor has me taking several supplements (Chromium, Selenium, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Beta-Carotenes, and a probiotic powder), and organic apple cider vinegar, and told me to cook with only olive or coconut oil. I can't wait to see how you do!

Take care,

P.S. Thank you SO much for the RSS tutorial - it has made blogging so much easier! Thanks!